Business Services

Business moves fast: but keeping up means acting smarter not faster

Moser’s Business Services experts have the knowledge, 认证和经验,甚至为最复杂的IT项目提供指导. mg官方游戏中心在政府资讯科技转型方面有成功的记录, medical, banking, manufacturing, and other industries.

Building Superior Business Foundations

Unlike many IT companies, at Moser Consulting, we don't just fill seats. mg官方游戏中心知道每个组织都有自己独特的商业文化、方法和挑战. 如果您的企业需要一位全职顾问来帮助您实施mg官方游戏中心提供的解决方案, we will conduct a careful vetting process, including interviews by your management staff, 找到既能满足你的需求,又能非常适合你所在组织的最佳候选人.

Security Assessments

The security landscape if overwhelming. Are you sure your systems are protected?


Disaster Recovery for Businesses


Preparing for the unexpected is essential to IT success. With Disaster Recovery Planning and Business Continuity Planning, 您将能够识别潜在的威胁,并制定一个全面的战略,可以帮助您的组织在任何危机情况下保持领先一步. 现在就采取行动,这样你不仅可以应对网络攻击,还可以应对自然灾害等等. mg官方游戏中心的流程将为您提供一份充满实际解决方案的可操作报告. 

Cyber Insurance Assessments


不要让不断变化的网络保险领域让你措手不及. 如果您的服务器不是最新的或者没有遵循协议,这个过程可能会很复杂, 保险公司可以很容易地拒绝索赔,从而使企业在财务和数字上都面临风险. Fortunately, with Moser's Cybersecurity Assessment service, navigating these potential financial pitfalls is made easy. mg官方游戏中心将帮助解释您的保险要求,评估您的系统和流程的合规性.  

Explore our deep content on Security Assessments with our experts.  

Our Business Services Professionals Focus on four key functional areas:

Project Management/Scrum/Agile

Project Management is essential to ensuring that your project, large or small, is delivered effectively and efficiently. mg官方游戏中心的项目经理具有使用行业标准项目管理方法的经验, 为客户提供一致性和效率的流程和程序. We have experience delivering Big Data, Infrastructure, System/Application migrations and upgrades, and Business area projects.

Business Analysis/Technical Writing

Moser Consulting的业务分析服务旨在全面评估组织的运营并确定改进的机会. mg官方游戏中心经验丰富的业务分析师团队将完成发现的4个关键阶段, Analysis, 发现和建议,以定义和支持持续改进的周期,从而优化流程并最大化业务价值. By partnering with Moser Consulting, 客户可以期望获得对其业务流程和系统的客观分析, 以及促进变革和实现长期成功的建议.

Quality Assurance/Testing

在软件开发过程的每个阶段,质量保证都是不可或缺的一部分. Moser Consulting的软件测试实践是上下文驱动的——mg官方游戏中心专注于您的关键性能指标,以开发质量工程策略,以确保满足这些指标,并且最终交付的产品将满足您的需求.

Audit & Compliance (Security)

任何组织最大的资产之一,也是最难保护的资产,就是它的数据. Moser Consulting在政府和私营部门设计系统以确保数据安全方面拥有丰富的行业经验,并随时准备帮助您为您的业务构建更安全的计算环境.

Learning Services

Moser Learning专注于解决人类发展和IT技术交叉问题的培训项目.

Moser Learning designs and delivers business learning experiences, specializing in Project Management, Leadership, and Teams. 因为mg官方游戏中心相信培训通常只是解决业务问题的一部分, mg官方游戏中心将TTI成功洞察评估工具和大量的服务和产品结合起来,帮助您的员工提高工作效率. We flex our services to your specific needs.

Explore Our Atlassian Professional Services!

  • 发现专家对Jira、Confluence和其他Atlassian产品的见解.

  • Learn best practices for efficient project management.

  • Get tips and tricks from seasoned professionals.

We’re always looking for top IT professionals. Experience the award winning culture at Moser!

Related Blogs and Podcast Episodes

Listen to our podcast about Project Management!

S3E4: You Can't Spell Project Manager without NAG - with Rebecca Luth

这周Becky Luth和mg官方游戏中心一起来解释为什么没有NAG这个词你就不能拼写Project Manager, 项目经理的工作更侧重于问责制和信息向所有相关方的自由流动. 当mg官方游戏中心讨论各种可用于专业培训和成长的认证选项时,mg官方游戏中心还学会了破译同事名字背后的一些首字母.

RoBert hosting a podcast episode